06 June 2010

i dont even REMEMBER cooking some of this stuff

well i have had QUITE the hiatus from actually writing about the food i have been cooking. have still been cooking, and taking pictures of food, but all of those pictures have remained on my camera. because i am lame, and lazy, and have been overworked. so, let me catch up on the posts, and maybe get on a regular schedule.

i think i blocked this out of my memory. because it was...not that great. i really dont know why i made this, i think i just needed to use up some supplies. i had some good bread that was going to go bad, and swiss chard that i didnt know what to do with, and so i made this egg dish, the name of which i am completely forgetting right now (strata maybe?). and i put blue cheese and kalamata olives in it. and it was weird. it was tasty, mostly, but weird. i dont think i'll be making it again. but that might be because i hate swiss chard.

i was so proud of this meal, alothough it looks so ugly on the plate. i bought some lamb, and made a spice rub, and then broiled it. and it was delicious. my first time making lamb steaks. actually might have been my first time making lamb at home. and of course, as i always do with lamb (so often, right) i made a little tsatsiki sauce. yum. but i think the best part of the meal was the beet salad. my CSA finally gave me bunched beets! which means i finally had beet greens! and i found this delicious little salad recipe - roast the beets, and saute the beet greens, and then do a dijon vinaigrette...holy crap it is delicious!! i have made it a few times since then. delicious.

this was my brightly colored vegetables dinner. used up some of my carrots from the CSA, some potatoes, green beans with radishes, and boring chicken. for the potatoes, i attempted to make french fries without frying them. if i am remembering correctly, i cut them up, boiled them, and then baked them in a little bit of oil. they were....boring. just boring. i think next time, i will sacrifice the calories and fry them up. too much effort for boring fries! i also learned that...i hate radishes. like, really hate them. what the hell do you do with radishes? i mean, they are not tasty at all. even with green beans and a dijon vinaigrette. blech. glad i only got them for 2 weeks in the CSA, hope that they dont come back.

oh yum. i needed to use up some of my vegetables from my CSA, and so i chopped up some eggplant, yellow squash, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes, and roasted them up into deliciousness. threw it on top of some penne pasta, which i made a simple cream+goat cheese sauce for. it was...boring. i need to get better at making random sauces. the vegetables were delicious, but the sauce was really lacking something. and i had so much of this leftover! will i never learn?

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