22 April 2010

i am not alone in my cake love!

i know, i generally dont post pictures that have people in them. but i thought that this picture of my aunt with the birthday cake she made me was just so stunningly beautiful i couldn't NOT include her in it. since easter fell right in between my sister and my birthdays this year, easter dessert was a birthday cake for us. a sponge cake, to be exact, using my grandma's recipe and my grandma's pans and gigantic plate. another reason my aunt is in the picture: so that you can see just how gigantic this cake is. aunt joanie is not a tiny person - we're about the same size, i'd say. and this cake is wider than her hips. its a bit absurd. it also has pudding and strawberries between the layers, and whipped cream on top - she had to start cutting it almost immediately after putting the whipped cream on, because the cake started to slide. yes, slide. it was a bit like the leaning tower(/cake!) of pisa...except that its lean kept leaning more and more!

but, a birthday cake on easter? that doesnt seem like the correct dessert, you say! well, my sister had you covered:

mother and sister are HUGE coconut cake fans. and apparently, easter is a good time for coconut cake, because it means you can make a bunny cake. oh how cute, you say? NO, IT IS NOT CUTE WHEN YOU DONT LIKE COCONUT AND ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY.

when i was 3 years old, my birthday fell on the day before easter. so my mother made me a coconut bunny cake, very similar to the one above. i believe we still have the pictures of it. i hate coconut. my mother knew i hated coconut. but noooo, jenn doesnt get to have a barbie dress cake, no no no. jenn gets to have a GROSS COCONUT BUNNY CAKE because thats what mom likes. my childhood was incredibly deprived, i know.

so this year, mother wanted to make a coconut cake, so she made the cake (and the frosting, AND bought a fresh coconut and grated/shaved it, which, let me tell you, takes a LOT of work) and my sister decorated the bunny with jelly beans and twizzlers. and it was adorable. i am told it tasted really good too. i ate matzoh crack instead, as my hatred for coconut has only intensified over the years.

i leave you with this image of the sliding, gigantic sponge cake. may your days be filled with gigantic leaning towers of sponge cake as well:

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