30 June 2010

boring food

I fear i have been cooking a lot of boring food lately. sort of a "same old same old." i think that is one of the downers about the farmshare. while i am loving getting a box of random vegetables each week, and supporting local agriculture...it can be quite frustrating if I get an assortment i am not particularly interested in, OR if i get a really exciting assortment during a week that is particularly busy for me when i wont have much time to cook, so things might spoil before i have the time to do something interesting with them. like in the picture above. i was so super excited to get cabbage. maybe i could have done a slaw, OR what i wanted to do was cook it with beef and other vegetables and make little cabbage wraps - it sounded very exciting. unfortunately, i didnt have time, so boring sauteed cabbage it was. and the kale that i got! i love kale, always looking for new things to do with it. but it was starting to wilt because time gets away from me, and the potatoes were going to get bad too, so i boiled those and roasted some chickpeas to be something interesting. and then the beets, which i also love - the beet greens were still attached, and i wanted to do something exciting like risotto or pasta or something, but no time so i roasted and did a salad with feta. all of this quite tasty, but boring!!

another week, another pile of vegetables that i have no clue what to do with and need to cook mostly in one night because its the only time i have free. first up: tons of cherry tomatoes. actually, technically, i think they are grape tomatoes. yum, but i dont eat enough salads at home, so what am i to do with them? perhaps in a cold pasta salad? yum. initially, i was going to put other vegetables in the salad as well - like cucumber and maybe zucchini...but alas, they went bad too quickly. it kills me that i am wasting vegetables some weeks. also needed to use up some swiss chard (i have found that if i smother it in butter, it tastes much better) and onion, and turnips! so what did i do with the turnips? boiled, then fried up like french fries! delicious! but probably incredibly unhealthy and not worth all that oil. i need to figure out a way to get them a crisp up a bit better. man, i really wish i had a deep-fryer sometimes. though at the same time i KNOW what a bad idea that would be.

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