02 April 2010

what the hell do i do with all these vegetables?

i am TERRIBLE about updating this thing. I have taken pictures of like, 5 different meals in the last few weeks, but have i updated this thing with ANY of them? no! because i have been busy and lame, etc. i suppppose i have the excuse that 2 weekends ago i was in NYC visiting the brother, and last weekend was filled with birthday celebration, but still. shame on me.

so this catch-up entry is an ode to my CSA vegetables. and a sort of "what on earth do i do with all of these???" explanation of what i've been cooking in the last few weeks. we begin, apparently, with a potato gratin. not just any potato gratin, however, this one has sweet potatoes in it! and maybe celeriac, and maybe carrot and parsnip. i honestly dont remember what i put in it, all i know is it contains sweet potatoes, other root vegetables, onion, cheese, milk, probably chicken broth. it was...decent. i think the problem is that when i make these things, i make WAY too much of them (but once you cut up one each of the vegetables you have a ton!) and then i get sick of eating them. As i was telling emily and bryan last night, i need a boyfriend, because then i could just feed him my leftovers, and i would only have to eat potatoes au gratin 2-3 times instead of 5-6. the other alternative we thought of is swapping leftovers. that one probably has more potential...

and then we have the kale. i love kale. have i mentioned that enough in the other entries where i cook kale? because i think it honestly might be one of the tastiest greens there is. swiss chard, on the other hand? hate it. cannot eat the stuff, its just not tasty. but kale...kale is delicious and happy. kale ALWAYS tastes good. particularly when you roast garbanzo beans with garlic and oil and then add that to some sauted kale and did i mention DELICIOUS? yep, it makes me happy.

rounding out the boring food post, we have: glob of mashed root vegetables with glob of sauteed vegetables. okay, thats not a fair description. on the left, we have: sweet potato, regular potato, some beets, which were boiled, then mashed with butter and parsley and chive and some oil. (can we tell i am trying to use up my massive stash of potatoes?) and frankly...this was delicious. quite flavorful, and really so tasty. i forgot how much i love mashed foods. but again, it made so much that i was eating it for like, 5 days. that gets boring and sad. on the right...i have some zucchini, squash, onion, and some green (i think it was baby bok choy) that i needed to do SOMETHING with...so i steamed it and then sauteed with a bit of butter. and it was really delicious. thats sort of become my default for zucchini and squash now, because it tastes so good. i made it again 2 nights ago, actually, sans the bok choy, and forced myself to leave enough leftovers that i could put it in an omelet with tomato and feta cheese last night. delicious? DELICIOUS.

so...as we can tell with this entry, i think i am getting a bit fed up with some of the things i've been getting in my CSA share. i'm sort of cooking just to cook, for some of this stuff, instead of cooking something i WANT to cook. which isnt the end of the world, eating healthy and fresh and all, but i am so sick of having potatoes. and i am sick of seeing a drawer filled with apples and trying to think of what dessert i can make and which friends to pawn it off on because i'll never eat more than 1 serving of it. and getting greens on a thursday evening but not having time to cook until monday and by that time they have started to wilt...and wasting lettuce because i cannot eat an entire head of lettuce myself in a week along with whatever other salad greens they give me...i guess what i am saying is i am not sure if i am going to continue this CSA thing. i love supporting local farms and communities...but can i really go through all this food myself in a week? is it providing the variety i really want? will the summer share really be any better? i dont know. i really dont know.

other exciting posts to come this weekend: parnsip risotto, and cranberry sour cream cake with barley flour (both of which are things that make me extremely happy about having the CSA, as i never would have explored those dishes without it!)

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