06 February 2011

omelet success!

so, a little known fact about me: i am incompetant when it comes to flipping foods in a frying pan. thats right: all foods. not just things like pancakes. pretty much anything that could be flipped. this incompetence also extends to omelets. they always end up a scrambled mess. i honestly dont know how people do them and make them look right. my dad makes omelets all the time, giant ones filled with delicious cheese, ham, potatoes, onions, and they are gigantic and feed many people. and they look right. mine? scrambled messes. scrambled depressing messes.

well, the other day, stuck home because of the snow, i made an omelet for lunch, filled with leftover yummy roasted vegetables and some feta cheese. and this time....this time i was successful!! this time, i made an omelet that didnt turn out to be a scrambled mess! now, its not perfect or beautiful, but this time, my omelet at least kinda sorta looks like an omelet.

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